Trauma Recovery Bootcamp


Transforming you from being a version you no longer recognise after being in a narcissistic and emotional abusive relationship or family dynamic, to becoming everything you ever dreamed of being and more.


Trauma to Thriving. Your Revolution of Self. 


I’m ALL about the revolution.

Of you, of me, of all in my sphere.


It's time for your revolution. 


"Bootcamp" has evolved from a single session in early 2022, to a 4 week program and then a monthly bootcamp that ran for 7 months!


Bootcamp has since evolved and had a rebrand, same inside work, same 1:1 tailored approach to each participant, more fine tuned weekly calls for your ultimate revolution of you. This is; 


Trauma Recovery Bootcamp



A deep dive 8 week program to shift the limiting beliefs, negative narratives, all this toxic conditioning that is still holding you back from living your best life, having the most successful business or career and truly THRIVE!


Wherever the wounds that are still hurting have stemmed from; childhood, family, relationship, workplace, business, generational, past life... the effect on your life today looks like;

  • You compromising yourself

  • Always saying yes to others but not yourself

  • Not knowing what you like

  • Not able to make decisions

  • Hesitate to be seen in business

  • Play small

  • Hide yourself

  • Scared to speak up

  • Look for external validation

  • Need permission from others to move or leap

  • Makes excuses and sabotage your choices for you

  • Scared of what others will say when you choose you and do you, so you don’t.

  • Don’t know how to be yourself fully unapologetically. 

  • Not feeling 'good enough'

  • Not feeling 'worthy enough'

  • Feel a lack in confidence and low self-esteem 

  • Always berating yourself up

  • Trauma Bonding pulling you back to unhealthy coping mechanisms and toxic people 



In bootcamp; you stop trying to fit into that box you’ve been trying to squeeze into your whole life. You shed the limiting beliefs, burn the negative narratives, release the toxic cords holding you back from all you truly desire to be, do, have and claim.


Once this toxic conditioning that has compounded over your timeline from being in these toxic spaces is released, you can fully embody the woman you truly desire to be. Accept yourself, forgive yourself, connect to your inner child and heal. Allow your inner wisdom and voice to be truly heard and guide you to all your desires becoming a reality.






You want more...


More integration and calibration to regulate your nervous system  and create safety in your body.  


You have more to release.


You want support for what is happening in the moment, not just in the past stopping you from stepping into the future self.


Stepping into your element.


Igniting your fire and allowing it erupt.


More release, deeper release, Greater healing and expansion.




Because your dreams and desires become greater.


The greater they are, the more healing we need to do to claim it.


As we heal and expand our beliefs and what is possible our healing goes deeper and deeper.


Our dreams and desires become bigger and bigger!


And this is on repeat!


This is the evolution and revolution of life.

What you get in the BOOTCAMP:

  • 8 Week Program

  • Weekly Group Calls

  • Therapeutic Hot Seat Coaching

  • FB Group Community

  • Weekly Journal Sheets/Prompts

  • Group Voxer Support upgrade available

Week 1 - The Box and the blowing it up! No longer trying to squeeze into other peoples box. Identifying who you truly dream to be. 
Week 2 - Triggers, identifying, understanding their origin and where this is erupting in your current world. Eliminating a trigger this week. 
Week 3 - Boundaries, identifying them, understanding where you need them, why they aren’t working so far and strategies for implementing successful boundaries. 
Week 4 - The Burn session, this week we identify what’s lingering to burn. What’s stopping you, keeping you stuck, playing small, hiding from all you desire to be, do, have, CLAIM for your life by your design. 
 Week 5 - Just like any bootcamp, this is tough love week. Identifying Where you are standing in your own way. What are you truly scared to really see inside. And dissolving this fear.
Week 6- EFT tapping - judgement,  permission to feel and heal, forgiveness of self.
Week 7 - Breathwork - core clearing release. Releasing further layers of stuck trauma through somatic processing.  
Week 8 - Embodiment of self and all you desire to be.  Stepping out of the old into the new. Being all you are unapologetically.

Trauma Recovery Bootcamp will clearly lead you through the steps you need to take to release toxic conditioning. Dissolving those limiting beliefs and negative narratives to propel healing, growing and thriving. It will create massive inspired action and huge shifts in your mindset.

It’s an absolute winning combination for you to step into your true authentic self and be unapologetically you.

I want you to feel absolutely empowered to shed this toxic excess and know by making this  investment in yourself for you and your future self will be the best decision you ever made for yourself and your healing.

If after 14 days you are not getting these results, you’re showing up to all the calls, you’re doing the workbook, you’re taking the action, you’re interactive in the group and you still have no shift whatsoever. I will refund 100% one times the monthly fee.

That’s how confident I am you will see shifts, breakthroughs, transformations, release or change no matter how small.

Because any change no matter how small is change and it takes a lot of small steps and changes to create progress, inspire motivation and take more action. 

Healing, growing and thriving. Breakthroughs, transformations and revolutions.




This is a super low cost bootcamp with maximum value and quality time with me.
It’s cheaper then 1:1 therapy. It’s honestly the best value you’ll ever find to be able to work with me on an ongoing basis.

What results you can expect;

  •  Release limiting beliefs

  •  Release Toxic excess

  •  Release negative narratives

  •  Disrupt toxic conditioning

  •  Reprogram new beliefs

  •  Create and install positive conditioning

  •  Ignite your inner fire

  •  Step into your authentic self

  •  Feel empowered to make your own choices that suit you best

  •  Believe in yourself

  •  Know you’re worthy

  • Know you deserve your dreams & desires

  • Take the inspired action you desire to

    Also expect;

  • Bonus calls

  • Value packed upgrades

  • Credit towards others offers & programs

  • Opportunities for intensive VIP days

  • unlimited love, support & empowerment from me to you THE ENTIRE TIME YOU ARE HERE.


More About Kass

πŸ’ƒπŸΌI’m a single mumma of 3, bird mum 🦜, love a lychee martini and all things travel and adventures whilst building (juggling 🀹‍♀️) my global brand and biz.

I love all things woo and believe the universe always has my back, receive messages from spirit and I am a Reiki Practitioner and energy healer.

I have a brick and mortar private practice, registered counselling, clinical hypnotherapy, EMDR, EFT & NLP, breathwork coach and teen mentor with two office locations and global online biz based in Victoria, Australia πŸ‡¦πŸ‡Ί

🦩As a trauma recovery coach and therapist; My core mission is to help women rebuild after trauma, narcissistic abuse, childhood wounds and toxic cycles. To trust themselves and be all they are unapologetically, shine bright & THRIVE❀️‍πŸ”₯

πŸ— My uniqueness - Being a lived experience, intuitive therapist and coach allows me to bring not only my training and expertise to my clients healing journey but also the genuine understanding of your current world as it stands when we start working together. I’m a Trauma Recovery Coach who provides safe spaces for women to unlock their true potential and stand in their element. Releasing the holds of toxic cycles, emotional abuse, narcissistic & generational trauma with therapeutic, energetic and strategic shifts, unlocking your ultimate success in life & business.


Kass is also a paid speaker, podcaster and frequent guest in many programs. Accredited Supervisor of Counsellors and Hypnotherapists in Australia. And even has a business mastermind! “The Revolutionise You” Mastermind. Helping women build and thrive in their therapy business just like she has! Teaching them all the biz building blocks to a successful global business πŸ”₯